Trust Me - Weekday Homily Video
Love thy Neighbor | Strengthening family unity
A husband kept pestering his wife about the way she drove the family's car. The husband had reasons to do so because the wife, fresh from driving school, had just gotten her new driver's license. At every turn and bend, every traffic light, overtaking and being overtaken by other vehicles, uphill and downhill, the husband unceasingly reacted with fear and panic and kept giving her directions. Fed up, the wife remarked angrily, "Better keep quiet! It is your lack of trust in me that's going to lead us to an accident."
Confidence, Sincerity and Credibility
How often have we heard ourselves say to someone else in our conversations, "Trust me"? The phrase "Trust me" is a common refrain in our conversations, a verbal bridge we construct to connect our thoughts with the understanding of others. Yet, despite its frequent use, the weight carried by these two simple words is immense. When we say, "Trust me," we are essentially asking someone to place confidence in our words, to believe in the sincerity of our intentions, and to rely on the credibility of our actions.
This phrase 'Trust me' reflects a fundamental aspect of human communication—the constant negotiation of trust. It serves as both a plea and a reassurance. In moments of doubt or uncertainty, we utter these words to cement our bond with the listener, emphasizing the sincerity behind our statements. However, it's worth pondering why we feel compelled to request trust explicitly. Is it a testament to the fragility of trust in today's world, or is it an acknowledgement of the complexity inherent in human relationships?
Trust is Fragile
Trust is a delicate construct built over time through a series of interactions, shared experiences, and consistent behavior. Yet, it can be quickly shattered, requiring painstaking effort to rebuild. In a society where skepticism often prevails, the plea to "Trust me" seems to underscore the recognition of this fragility. It implies an awareness that trust is not automatically granted but earned. However, the effectiveness of the phrase hinges on more than just its utterance; it lies in the consistency of our words and actions.
Jesus says to us today that we will surely stumble and fail in our faith and trust, and in this context, the disciples ask the Lord to "Increase our faith!"
Terence Hegarty, the author of Living Faith - Daily Catholic Devotions, says in one of his reflections,
"I remember, as a young adult, being fascinated the first time that I held a mustard seed. The tiny little tan speck was no bigger than the tip of a pencil. Knowing that my faith amounted to less than even that minuscule seed was discouraging. But, as I contemplated this, I imagined that if my faith were as large as a mustard seed, I'd accomplish things that seemed more worthwhile than tossing a tree into the sea. That prompted a flood of questions that I still try to ask myself regularly, including: What am I doing with the faith and trust that I do have? What can I do to increase my faith or trust?"
Questions for Reflection
Maybe my faith isn't strong enough to allow me to uproot trees, but is it strong enough that people see it in my actions? Is it large enough for me to share with others?
- Father Boby's inspirational homily was recorded live during Mass at the Father Peyton Center this morning. Please view the video on our Facebook page. (You don't need a Facebook account to view.)
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About Father Boby John, C.S.C.
Father Boby John, C.S.C., ordained a priest in the Congregation of Holy Cross in 2008, worked as a pastor and as an educator with tribal populations in Northeast India for thirteen years. Originally from Kerala, India, Father Boby grew up with three siblings. He is a dedicated and detailed educationist with experience in educational leadership. He is currently working as an executive assistant at the world headquarters of Holy Cross Family Ministries, North Easton, Massachusetts.