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Trust the Holy Carpenter - Weekday Homily Video

Trust the Holy Carpenter - Weekday Homily Video

Holy lives of inspiration

Let’s start with a story that sounds like a divine romantic comedy. A woman prayed to Saint Joseph for ten years for a good husband. Ten years! At that point, even the most patient among us might start drafting a strongly worded email to heaven.  One Sunday morning she returned from Mass and knelt before her statue of Saint Joseph imploring him to grant her request. But after ten minutes, in a fit of irritation and despair, she took the statue from the table and threw it out the window.



A young man passing by the house was struck on the head with it, causing a severe cut. He knocked at the door of the house for help and perhaps for an explanation. The young woman apologized, offering to take him to the hospital. Six months later they were married and lived happily ever after. Despite the happy ending, I’m not advising holy vandalism!

On March 19, we celebrate the man whose resume reads: expert in angelic interpretation, silent strategist, patron of hopeless causes, carpenter, and foster dad to God.


Saints in Heaven


Imagine this scene in heaven. The saints dazzle in vibrant colors: martyrs in royal red, miracle workers in shining gold, scholars with scrolls and pen, and leaders in regal robes. From kings to preachers, their brilliance reflects extraordinary holiness and achievement. Among them stands Saint Joseph.  

What dazzling colors do we find for him? No red of martyrs, no gold of world leaders, no pulpit of great preachers, no scroll of great authors; he looks clad in simple workman’s clothes, in a small workshop, a little hut with a sign over the door that says: "Joseph and Son, Carpenters." But then, which of all the saints in heaven will have the last laugh when those great millions start telling stories of their earthly accomplishments? 

Isn't it Saint Joseph, the carpenter? Which of the other saints, except Blessed Mother Mary, can say, "Every day for almost thirty years, I sat at the table with the growing boy who was the Son of God. Daily I watched Him develop into manhood; I taught Him His prayers: I showed Him how to make chairs and tables. I can't count the times I held Him in my arms when He was tiny; the times He hugged me and kissed me; the meals we ate, the miles we traveled, and the joy we had in working together.” 


Holiness of Saint Joseph


There is no mention in the Gospels of Joseph saying anything. Yet his actions speak volumes: he protected Mary when scandal loomed. He fled to Egypt under cover of night. He taught Jesus to swing a hammer. Joseph’s life whispers: holiness isn’t about noise; it’s about noticing. Noticing God’s voice in dreams. Noticing the dignity of others. Noticing the sacred in the ordinary—wood, sweat, and family. 

When heaven sent a memo, “Take Mary as your wife,” he didn’t panic.  He obeyed. When God said, “Flee to Egypt,” he didn’t demand a five-year plan. He packed his bags. Joseph is the patron of those who hate drama. Got a problem? Fix it. A calling? Follow it. A rumor? Silence it. In our age of hot takes and cancel culture, Joseph models prudence: protecting reputations and not weaponizing words. 

Saint Joseph is also the patron saint of a happy death. He is the patron saint of the dying for three reasons: first, he is our eternal judge's foster father. Second, he is the terror of demons. And third, and most beautiful, his was the most beautiful of deaths because he died in the arms of Jesus and Mary. 

So, if you’re weary of waiting for your miracle—or tempted to hurl a statue—remember Joseph. Trust the carpenter. After all, he built a throne, a home for the King of Kings, from a pile of wood and a whole lot of love.

  • Father Boby's inspirational homily was recorded live during Mass at the Father Peyton Center this morning. You can view the Mass (and the Rosary at the 30-minute mark) on the Family Rosary YouTube page
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About Father Boby John, C.S.C.

Father Boby John, C.S.C., ordained a priest in the Congregation of Holy Cross in 2008, worked as a pastor and as an educator with tribal populations in Northeast India for thirteen years. Originally from Kerala, India, Father Boby grew up with three siblings. He is a dedicated and detailed educationist with experience in educational leadership. He is currently working as an executive assistant at the world headquarters of Holy Cross Family Ministries, North Easton, Massachusetts.