In my childhood home, we naturally tried to extend the useful life of things. A worn blanket became batting for a quilt; old tee shirts became cleaning rags and dusters. Clothing was mended, patched, and altered. Shoes were re-soled and re-heeled. Getting as much wear and use as possible from material things that served us was an unspoken value.
I think there is practical wisdom to taking care of things and finding ways to value the resources with which God has gifted us, even small things.
With our children and grandchildren, we try to keep the same sense of value for the things we use. When doing craft projects, an assortment of materials no longer suitable for their original use, are seen as having new, creative possibilities. Fabric, yarn, string, paper, glitter, and glue become a celebration of design. The creative impulse sees potential with artistic imagination.

I believe the artistic vision that brings together these random elements teaches something about how we discover what we truly value and how it springs from small beginnings.
I can remember our children once had a craft with a simple loom, fabric strips, and weaving tool. The result was an eight-inch woven square, ideal for protecting surfaces from warm plates. The process required some patience and time. For the amount of effort, the end product was a small but valued outcome!

When we think of our human friendships, we often cherish and most remember the small and fleeting gestures of kindness and words of encouragement.
In our family prayer, there are many things to bring before the Lord. Some are major issues that concern us.
I believe the Lord is always attentive to us, even to our smaller needs, our minor successes and setbacks, our brief joys and disappointments. He listens to all the needs of our lives simply because He loves us.
In the Gospels, Jesus often used small examples to open hearts to God’s values. He asked his listeners to think about seeds, birds, fish, water, wind, soil, and more; and how imagining these common things could help explore the immeasurable mystery of God’s love for us all.
Can you imagine some small ways to help your family value prayer more deeply?