Today’s feast of The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary got me thinking about the difference prayer made in the lives of the Holy Family … and the difference it still makes in families today.
Little Mary of Nazareth was the answer to her parents’ prayer. In gratitude to God, her parents, Ann and Joachim, dedicated her to Him.
Prayer changed things then and it still does now, especially in families. In a very short time, I came up with quite a long list of ways prayer benefits families.
Think about how prayer has touched your family. Does it support, save, unite or comfort? How have family members’ lives changed? I’m sure you have many examples from your own experience. Let me know about one brief story in the comment space below. Your personal stories about the benefits of prayer can inspire many other families.
And before you go, just wanted to mention again the third benefit-of-prayer from my list …. The family that prays together stays together, coined by the founder of our ministry, Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C., who repeatedly reminded families around the world the power of family prayer. God bless you and your family.
Learn more about the feast of The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.