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What Happens When Catholics Say ‘I Do’?

By: Kate O'Hare on April 23rd, 2020

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What Happens When Catholics Say ‘I Do’?

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Many people getting married are worried about invitations and dresses and tuxes and locations and catering and so on. But that’s just the wedding – it’s not actually the marriage.

Marriage: one of the most common institutions across every time and culture. But what do Catholics mean when they talk about marriage? Why are there so many rules around it? In “Catholic Central: Marriage,” Kai and Libby go beyond the wedding day to dig into what the Church intends for Catholic couples.

Diving Deeper

  1. Kai and Libby recognize that living out marriage as a covenant is hard. What are the benefits to it? Why do you think the Church has the requirements it does?

  2. What are the qualities that you think someone should look for in a lifelong partner? Do you embody those qualities? Are there things you know you can work on in order to better be able to love and serve others? 

  3. Kai and Libby mention that marriage is not the kind of thing you can hack. Think of a marriage that you admire. What about it makes it admirable? Are there things that stand out as being signs of Christ’s love?


Make a list of the qualities that an ideal marriage would have. Can you find examples in the Bible of God showing each of those qualities?


After completing the activity of writing about the qualities of a marriage, make two more lists. What are the types of qualities you would look for in a future spouse (or looked for in your current one, if already married)? Make another list of the things you feel you should work on as you try to grow in holiness, as that’s a good spiritual endeavor whether one ends marrying or not.

About Kate O'Hare

Based in Los Angeles, Kate O'Hare is a veteran entertainment journalist, social-media manager for Catholic production company Family Theater Productions, and a screenwriter.