One day, a man glances through the newspaper and finds his name in the obituary section. The newspaper had printed his name erroneously. When he regains his composure, he reflects on the newspaper report, which read, “The Dynamite King Dies.” Because he invented dynamite, the obituary also said, “he was the merchant of death.” He began to ask himself, “Is this how I want people to remember me?”
From that day on, he started working for peace, and of course, he is none other than Alfred Nobel, who is remembered today because of the world-renowned Nobel Peace Prize. The foundations for the prize were laid in 1895 when Alfred Nobel wrote his last will to establish the Nobel Prize. He left a legacy of peace, love, and respect.
Today’s readings tell us of the legacies Jesus and St. Paul left to their followers and us. Jesus glorifies His Father for accomplishing the works given to Him. Jesus’ legacy was the possible salvation for anyone who believes. He also left a legacy of servant leadership and empathetic relationships when ministering to people.
In his farewell message to the Church at Ephesus, St. Paul tells the Christians that he did not shrink from proclaiming the entire plan of God to them. His legacy was consistent proclamation and fulfillment of God’s plan, despite persecutions.
The love and care of both Jesus and Paul for the people they ministered to and their sorrow at leaving them are evident. At the same time, Jesus and Paul seem concerned about the future of their missionaries and mission! What might have been their concerns?
Perhaps they noticed fear, confusion, and conflict among the future missionaries. Or perhaps they were aware of the future petulant Peters, plotting Judases, and many more James and Johns competing for positions. Or they were concerned about future persecutions.
The concerns of Jesus and Paul can be about us. Fear, persecution, uncertainty, insecurity, and power games are part of our lives too. We have conflicts and divisions within ourselves, our families, our church, and our nation. We live in a world of divisions – male or female; rich or poor; Christian or Muslim; conservative or liberal; educated or uneducated; young or old; sinner or saved; orthodox or heretic. Let us ask ourselves today, how can I inherit the legacies Jesus and Paul left with us and what legacy we want to leave behind?
Father Jilson's inspirational homily was recorded live this morning during Mass at the Father Peyton Center. Please view the video on our Facebook page.(You don't need a Facebook account to view.)
Father Jilson Tom, C.S.C. is from the Northeast India Province of Holy Cross. A native of Kerala, Father Jilson has been serving in a parish and school ministry since his ordination twelve years ago. He joins the Family Rosary team as an Assistant, while he works to study Pastoral Counseling in the Boston area. With a personal devotion to Mother Mary, Father Jilson is thrilled to be working to enhance family prayer through the Rosary. And if you ever need a listening ear or want to play a board game, Father Jilson’s your guy!