We hosted our family on Easter. There were ten of us ranging in age from seven to seventies. We are still harvesting the blessings of conversation, reminiscence, and eating together. We were at peace in our little corner of the world. Families are unique communities, sources of consolation, renewal, and healing.
The relationship that binds us together transcends our differences, frailties, and challenges. Whenever we have a family gathering, the time seems to fly by. As the celebration comes to a close, we would like it to last a little longer.

We’ve all heard the question, “When will we see you again?” The inquiry flows from the assurance of a continuous relationship, a special friendship, and an enduring familial love.
It is a good reflection question for Eastertime. When will we see the Lord again?
The Risen Lord
In this Eastertime, we may wonder about the reactions, hopes, and longings of Jesus’ closest friends and followers. The post-resurrection appearances of Jesus present us with compelling mystery. Here are just three examples.
- In John’s Gospel, Mary Magdalene initially thought the Risen Jesus was the gardener (John 20:14-15).
- Thomas came to believe when Jesus invited him to touch His wounds (John 20:27-28).
- In Luke’s Gospel, the Emmaus Road disciples eventually recognized Him when He broke bread with them (Luke 24:30-31).
We think of the garden, the wounds, and the Eucharist. The garden calls to mind the unfolding expanse of creation, “All things came to be through him…” (John 1:3a).
The wounds call us to active faith, to bring peace, and to heal a suffering humanity, “…By his wounds you have been healed.” (1 Peter 2:24).
The Eucharist draws us into the presence of Jesus in the community of faith, “...he was made known to them in the breaking of the bread." (Luke 24:35).
Resurrection and Redemption
In the Eucharistic community, Christ’s incarnational presence brings all of us together, all of creation, and the healing of every wound. His Resurrection empowers us to realize His ongoing love and redemption of the world. Our mission is to heal, to bring peace, and to love in all the corners of our lives. In these ways, we see Him again and again. When will we see Him again? The answer is always (Matthew 28:20).
With faith in the Risen Jesus, let us pray in our families for the grace to recognize the Lord in all the ways He is present to us.