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Who is Jesus to You? Family Reflection Video

Who is Jesus to You? Family Reflection Video

Love thy Neighbor

Many people find Jesus to be a great companion.

During my time at Saint Joseph’s Oratory in Montreal, Canada, I observed all kinds of people visit and pray. Many of them were not Catholics, but still did their veneration with great respect in prayer to Jesus. I got into dialogue with some Hindus and asked who Jesus was for them. They told me he was a miracle man, great prophet, guru, teacher. They felt peace and healing as he was their companion in joy and suffering. They did not tell me Jesus was their savior, but they experienced Jesus in their lives.

When Jesus asks today who the disciples say he is, Peter is inspired by heaven that Jesus is the anointed one to bring new hope for humanity and answers “You are the Christ.” What Peter cannot fathom is Jesus having to suffer and die for this. His image of Jesus the Messiah was a glorified one. We all have a different view of Jesus … who is he to you?

Let our families be blessed in the love and presence of Jesus. Amen.

About Father Jomon Kalladanthiyil, C.S.C.

Father Jomon is a Holy Cross priest who hails from Kerala, India, and is a member of the North East Province of Holy Cross in India. After undergraduate studies in India he moved to Paris, France to study Theology and to work for several years in pastoral ministry. After 7 years in France, he was assigned to Saint Joseph's Oratory in Montreal. While there, he served in pastoral ministry and studied for a Ph.D. at the University of Montreal. He earned his doctoral degree September 2018. For the past four years he has been in charge of Pastoral Ministry at the Oratory. He has most recently joined Holy Cross Family Ministries as the National Director of Family Rosary. Father Jomon enjoys playing, basketball, badmitton, and is ready for a game of table tennis anytime!