St. Paul wrote a lot of letters, and he didn’t address any of them specifically to you or me. But, we definitely should be reading them.
St. Paul is responsible for a lot of the books in the New Testament, including some stuff that is, well, pretty weird (by today’s standards). In “Catholic Central: Pauline Letters,” Kai and Libby look at the context behind Paul’s letters, and what can we take from them today.
Diving Deeper
For centuries, people have debated the meaning of St. Paul’s letters. How can a better understanding of the culture at that time and the Bible as a whole help us interpret St. Paul’s teachings?
One of St. Paul’s concerns in his letter to St. Timothy was people arguing about the law without understanding it. Even though these letters to St. Timothy were written 2,000 years ago, are St. Paul’s concerns still relevant today?
In 2006, Pope Benedict XVI credited St. Paul’s letters with teaching that Christianity “had a universal value and concerned everyone, because God is the God of everyone.” St. Paul taught that all people were equal, “all are one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28). Why was this a radical teaching at the time? Why is this an important fundamental belief in Christianity?
Reflection by Father Vince Kuna C.S.C.
Find a map of St. Paul’s travels. Some translations of the Bible provide them. See how far throughout the known world he traveled – oftentimes by foot, sometimes by sea – in spreading the Gospel message. So, when planning your next family vacation, add a spiritual pilgrimage or two beyond the mere tourist attractions. If traveling to a major city, does it have a cathedral? Is there a place of Catholic devotion? At least be sure to search out the local parishes and find one suitable for Sunday worship.