With our youngest grandson preparing for First Communion, we recently had a three-generation conversation about Sacraments. The conversation included discussing what name the parents took for their Confirmation name. Everyone had a meaningful explanation of why they chose their particular name. The youngest asked what was Confirmation. The eldest explained that Confirmation confirms a mature choice to live in the light of faith in God, revealed by Jesus, and in the Holy Spirit. The seven-year-old immediately exclaimed, “I believe in God!”
Faith As Gift
His words reminded me of the beginning words of the Nicene Creed, our profession of faith rooted in apostolic times and formalized in the fourth century CE. We, the people of God, affirm this faith in one communal voice whenever we gather to worship. Perhaps his words found root in him from his religious education class and the witness of his home life.
I believe the phrase came from his heart. Faith is a heartfelt gift.

A Phrase To Remember
I’ve been reflecting lately on how short phrases, just several words, can often be affirming, consoling, or inspiring. When someone says, “I forgive you” or “I love you,” these words can change us.
“That I might know how to speak to the weary a word that will rouse them.” (Isaiah 50:4b)
Short phrases can impact our prayer, saying so much in so few words. Scripture abounds with possibilities. Here are just a few.
“…O God, be merciful to me a sinner.” (Luke 18:13)
“…I have called you by name: you are mine.” (Isaiah 43:1)
“And they remembered his words.” (Luke 24:8)
We are presently in the glow and solemnity of Holy Week and Easter. This holy season reaffirms the heart of what we believe: the infinite love of God expressed in Jesus’ passion, death, and resurrection. His Spirit guides our reflection on this mystery during this holy time – individually and as a faith community.
The Sacraments of Initiation, Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation gracefully draw us into the reality of our faith. We embrace and celebrate what we believe, which deeply touches all we are, what we do in the world, and our interactions with each person we meet. We call ourselves Christians and witness our faith throughout our lives.
“…Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:11)
Let our family prayer in this holy season contemplate the life-changing phrase: “He is Risen!”