Prayers for Family

World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Blog Feature

Family Time  |  Grandpa's Garden  |  Grandparenting

Grandpa's Garden: The Door Is Open

We recently had a delightful visit with our youngest grandkids. When one of them ventured into the backyard, we reminded him not to leave the gate open. Our dog loves the yard, but dogs have a way of following their noses. A fenced yard is of little value without a latched gate. As a child, when I forgot to close the door after coming in from outside, I was sometimes asked, “Do you live in a barn?” Years later, I worked briefly in a barn and realized how ironic the question was. Leaving a door or gate unsecured in a barn is unwise – unless you want to chase a startled animal everywhere.

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Blog Feature

Grandpa's Garden  |  Grandparenting  |  family prayer

Grandpa's Garden: Moved To Pray

It is summer in this region, and the natural world calls us to recreation out of doors. Years ago, I tried running for exercise. When I began, I could barely jog around the block. Over time, I slowly added distance and found solitude and consolation amid my limitations and aspirations. I ran several 5k races to see if I could complete the course. I felt solidarity with other runners, most of whom ran faster than me. The only “running” I do now is hurrying at crosswalks. I enjoy walking.

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Blog Feature

Family Time  |  Grandpa's Garden  |  Grandparenting

Grandpa's Garden: In Praise of Conversation

I recently had several conversations with some old classmates, one of whom I’d known for almost seventy years. We hadn’t been in touch for a lifetime, yet we immediately started reminiscing about people and experiences. Our conversation flowed easily, naturally drawing on the riches of memory. It is interesting how circumstance brings people into and out of our lives at various times. In families, our children move into their own autonomous lives. Family relationships endure and evolve.

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Blog Feature

Eucharist  |  Grandparenting  |  sacramental grace

Grandpa's Garden: Blessing, Gratitude, Communion

Spring is in full bloom in the Northeast, and nature’s cycle of life, rebirth of color, blossom, and branches is all around us. It is a renewal that enlivens the soul and beckons us to be conscious of our place in creation. Our youngest grandson recently celebrated his First Communion. We were present to enjoy the Sacramental moment. The celebration began as the children devoutly processed into Church, their hands in a posture of prayer, pointing upward and forward.

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Blog Feature

Easter season  |  Grandparenting  |  family prayer

A Few Words

With our youngest grandson preparing for First Communion, we recently had a three-generation conversation about Sacraments. The conversation included discussing what name the parents took for their Confirmation name. Everyone had a meaningful explanation of why they chose their particular name. The youngest asked what was Confirmation. The eldest explained that Confirmation confirms a mature choice to live in the light of faith in God, revealed by Jesus, and in the Holy Spirit. The seven-year-old immediately exclaimed, “I believe in God!”

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