Prayers for Family

World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Christine O’Brien

Retired after initially working as a nurse and then spending 15 years in Parish Faith Formation. I enjoy spending time with my family—three children and 17 grandchildren and sharing my love of gardening with them.

Blog Feature

Seasonal Reflections

Advent - The Season of Waiting

I have fond memories of living out the Advent Season as a child. I was excited to share Advent with my children and continue to intentionally live out this beautiful season in my home today. The Advent Wreath takes center stage, time is spent on spiritual reading, Advent music is played, baking is done and the finished goods stored in the freezer. Christmas decorations are kept to a minimum and come out gradually and the Christmas tree is put up only a few days before Christmas.

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