World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Father David Marcham

Reverend David S. Marcham is the Vice Postulator for the Cause of Venerable Patrick Peyton, and Director of the Father Peyton Guild, whose members pray for Father Peyton’s beatification and spread his message of the importance of Family Prayer. Prior to becoming a seminarian, Father David was a physical therapist and clinical instructor, serving hospital inpatients and outpatients throughout the greater Boston area for eleven years. In 1998 he heard the call to priesthood and was ordained in the Archdiocese of Boston in 2005. Father David grew up in Quincy, MA, and has fond memories of playing soccer, tennis and running track. You’re never without a friend when Father David is around, as he welcomes everyone into his circle with a smile on his face!

Blog Feature

Holy lives of inspiration  |  Why pray?

Lord, Help Me ... - Weekday Homily Video

Growing up, once in a while, I’d hear my Mom or Dad utter the words, “God help me, David.” After reflecting on today’s reading from the Book of Numbers, I’d have to imagine my parents, with countless mothers and fathers worldwide, have shared this kind of declaration-prayer along with Moses.

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Blog Feature

Holy lives of inspiration

Listening with the Heart of Christ – Weekday Homily Video

Today’s saint, John Vianney, best known as the Cure of Ars, must have found consolation in today’s gospel, where Jesus is rejected by His own in his native Nazareth. Of course, a different set of circumstances, but if our Lord can be rejected, then it’s not hard to understand how people make mistakes in dismissing people as not relevant or not good enough. Today’s saint was incorrectly rejected, but it did not deter him.

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Blog Feature

Holy lives of inspiration  |  Return to the Church

A Quest to Embrace Holiness - Weekday Homily Video

Saint Alphonsus Liguori once wrote, “All holiness and perfection of the soul lies in our love for Jesus Christ our God, who is our redeemer and supreme good.” In other words, love for Jesus is our motivation and means of our moral and spiritual growth.

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Blog Feature

Return to the Church  |  Strengthening family unity

Who Are We Trying to Please? - Weekday Homily Video

As I prayed and reflected on today’s readings, I found myself being drawn to the drama in the Book of Exodus; with God, Moses, and the children of Israel. And this led me to ask myself three questions. 1. Who am I trying to please? 2. What does God expect of me? 3. How am I doing?

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Blog Feature

Love thy Neighbor  |  Return to the Church

Sunday Priorities - Weekday Homily Video

Last Sunday after Mass, while standing in line at a coffee shop, the woman in front of me and the woman serving her were not on the same wavelength, and each was losing patience. The customer and the server individually shared their frustration with me, and I felt bad, especially for the server whom I told I’d say a prayer for her. She told me that she’d be at Mass if she weren’t working there.

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Blog Feature

Why pray?

Following God's Lead - Weekday Homily Video

If you ever feel that you can’t relate to people from way back in time, all you need to do is listen to the Book of Exodus this week. On Monday, we had the Israelites second-guessing God and Moses, looking back on Egypt under Pharoah as better than their journey through the desert. Today, the Israelites are complaining about a lack of food, fondly remembering having their fill of meat and bread. To be honest, if I don’t get to eat what I’m used to and get enough of it, I start getting cranky as well. Maybe some of you can relate.

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