World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
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Like any good parent, teacher, or coach, Jesus prepares the first disciples and us when He says, “From now on, I am telling you before it happens, so that when it happens, you may believe that I AM.” In this case, Jesus, during His teaching about serving others in God’s Name, mentions that one of them will betray Him.
Today’s gospel takes place during another Jewish festival, the Feast of the Dedication of the Temple. Jesus is walking just outside of the temple in the Portico of Solomon, a long porch-like area that opened up into a large temple plaza. This is the setting where the Jews, most likely the religious leaders, confront Jesus.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Anyone who’s gone on a road trip or long drive with family or friends knows what it’s like to get hungry or thirsty. And you probably know what happens next … the question: what do you feel like eating? It’s a miracle if there is a unanimous conclusion; most often, some in the group know what they want but don’t agree with the others, and then there are the people who say, "I don’t know what I want”.
Bring what you have to Jesus, and He’ll take care of the rest. That’s what today’s gospel reminds us of, and it is something that takes faith. It also causes me to appreciate that Jesus has incredible patience with the first disciples and with us.
Yesterday as I read today’s gospel, I remembered a phrase, something that a friend said to a group of us, that has stayed with me for all these years. We were sitting around talking, probably trying to solve the problems of the world, or at least in our small corner of the world, when the conversation was going in the wrong direction … that’s when one guy said, “Hey, stay in the light!”
On this Monday, after the great celebration of Easter Sunday, we might ask ourselves, “So, is that it?” After doing our best to pray, fast, and give alms, what happens next? Well, for starters, we keep celebrating! We celebrate these eight days, each one as another Easter.