World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Healing the family | Why pray?
I recently read an article (Washington Examiner) about the Governor of Virginia issuing guidance that would have students drop off their cell phones at the beginning of the school day and pick them up after their final class concluded. The catalyst for this plan is the link between student’s cell phone use during and between classes and negative consequences such as inattention to instruction and anxiety and depression. Research shows that students receive more than two hundred notifications on their cell phones a day and two thirds report being distracted by them.
Job’s example of courageous and persevering faith is something to behold. As we have recently heard, Job lost everything: family, health, livestock, etc. And yet, his belief in God led him to say, “But as for me, I know that my Vindicator lives … Whom I myself shall see: my own eyes, not another’s, shall behold Him …”
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Holy lives of inspiration | Learn more about our faith
Saint Therese of the Child Jesus whose feast day we celebrate today is one of the most beloved saints. But like most future saints, her life was not easy, and her plan to live it was different than God’s. After death of Therese’s mother when she was only four, she received a maternal care and faith formation from her sister, Pauline. However, Pauline felt the call to religious life and entered the Carmelite convent. Therese would recount how this caused her to want to follow in her sister’s footsteps. When Therese was fourteen, her sister, Mary, would enter the same convent as Pauline.
Holy lives of inspiration | Learn more about our faith
Luke's Gospel reminded me of an expression from my childhood: “You’re brothers! Act like it!” My brother Pat and I heard that more than a few times from our Mom when we’d be in a battle of words or fists…and it always did the trick. Growing up in Quincy, your family was a big part of your identity and a source of strength. Many conversations began with, “My Mom or Dad were just telling me… or My brother Pat’s coming with us too.” There was a definite understanding of who was part of our immediate…and extended family. At Mass each Sunday, I don’t remember the priest using the phrase “My brothers and sisters (in Christ)” in his homily very often.
Jesus’ words, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace” caused two very different reactions in Luke’s gospel. The first was the shock of Simon the Pharisee and the second was what each one of us feels when we go to Confession and are absolved of our sins: the joy of being unburdened by God through the grace of the Holy Spirit and the work of His priest, serving in the person of Christ.
Eucharist | Gospel Reflection | Jesus heals
I have a question: “What do you need to hear from Jesus today?” Some of us could answer immediately: "I want Jesus to tell me if my loved one will get better." For others, we’d want Jesus to tell us whether to look for another job or school. Or maybe it is the perennial question: “Jesus, how do I get my life back on track?” We all experience times when we know we have things to decide or manage, but life has become so overwhelming that we either don’t have the energy to engage or don’t know where to start. This is when we need family and friends, like the Deaf man in Mark's Gospel. It says right in the beginning, “And the people brought to Jesus a deaf man with a speech impediment and begged Him to lay His hand on him.” Even if you don’t have someone to bring you to Jesus, we can always call on the Holy Spirit to give us the strength to approach Jesus with the faith of that man’s friends.