World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Guest blogger

Blog Feature

Why Isn't 'Jesus' Used As a Given Name In English?

I read an intriguing post over on the Baby Name Wizard recently that asked the question: Why isn’t Jesus used as a given name in English?

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Blog Feature

Love thy Neighbor

How to Be a ‘Next Door Saint’, According to Pope Francis

I started to read through the Pope’s Apostolic Letter that came out last week. After a quick overview of the whole thing and a slower read of the first chapter, I’m loving it.

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Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.

Blog Feature

Love thy Neighbor

Most of Lives Moments Aren’t Loud

My three-year-old son asked for a bright pair of Crocs at the grocery store, and we made a deal: be good, and they’re yours.

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Blog Feature

Seasonal Reflections

The Truth of the Resurrection Clearly Answered in the Empty Tomb

Let’s ponder for a moment about the idea that the empty tomb is proof of the Resurrection! I’ll begin this discussion with a question: Why is the unused tomb belonging to Joseph of Arimathea, the place where Jesus’ body was buried, significant to the authenticity of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ?

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Blog Feature

Seasonal Reflections

A Coffee Celebration

Remember that good thing you gave up for Lent? Remember how frustrating it was not having it? Remember how magnificent it was indulging in it again on Easter Sunday (or right after the Vigil Mass)?

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Blog Feature

Celebrating family life

What's Your Family's 'One Thing?'

Gary Kelly’s book, The One Thing, emphasizes that there is one primary thing in our lives that, if we focus on it, we can transform the success and fulfillment of our lives.

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