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Family Reflection Video: Building Your House in the Kingdom of God

Family Reflection Video: Building Your House in the Kingdom of God

service  |  Faith

When you get to heaven, what kind of key will Saint Peter give to you for your eternal home?  

Just like a fisherman’s drag net gathers all the good and bad fish, the Kingdom of Heaven does not discriminate against who is welcome into eternal life. We only have to deeply desire to enter into God’s Kingdom and be kind, compassionate, and generous throughout our lives. How we live our lives will greatly impact the conversation we have with Saint Peter at the pearly gates of Heaven.

Discuss with your family how you live out God’s call. What good works are you and your family sending up to heaven as mere sojourners on this Earth?

It’s been a pleasure sharing this prayerful time together. God bless you and your family.

For additional reading: Today’s Readings