Prayers for Family

World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Blog Feature

Faith  |  prayer

Raindrops and Coffee Pots

Sheri Wohlfert shares a rainy-day reminder of surrender and gratitude.

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Blog Feature

Easter season  |  Faith  |  Family Time

Eastertide’s Joy and Rest Each Sunday

I’ve seen with seven grown children how the religion lessons and discussions about their faith come back to them when they are grown. Sometimes they help us to understand spiritual things. My son, Jarred, helped me to understand a profound truth about Lent and Easter and how to live this out through the liturgical year. He commented, “Mom, the Passion of Jesus strengthens our faith while the Resurrection increases our hope!” These words inspired much reflection.

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Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.

Blog Feature

Faith  |  Scripture  |  reading the Bible

Scripture’s Call to Care for Creation

While modern attention to climate change and ecological trends is at an all-time high, our calling as Christians to care for God’s creation made manifest in the world around us unfolds in the earliest pages of sacred scripture.

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Blog Feature

Advent  |  Faith

How Advent can Teach Humility in the Social Media Age

From where do we get our sense of self-worth? I don’t think it is related to my social media presence. I believe it’s something deeper.

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Blog Feature

Faith  |  family prayer

In Our Time of Need—Jesus Shows Up

Being a Christian doesn’t mean life is easy and nothing bad ever happens. In these difficult moments, we often question Jesus. Our faith can become rattled. We can feel abandoned. Jesus shows up and we are too busy being scared, angry, or sad to notice. If we take a second to look around, we can see His hand in everything. We can see that He was always there. Sometimes, in the kindness of others.

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Blog Feature

Advent  |  Blessed Virgin Mary  |  Faith

What Mary’s Fiat Teaches Us About Advent

During Advent, we are called to pray, fast, and practice almsgiving in order to not only prepare our hearts and homes for the celebration of Jesus's birth, but also for His Second Coming. Advent differs from Lent in that we are called to prepare with joy and hope; after all, we continue to sing the Alleluia throughout. It is a time of penance and festivity. How appropriate then to focus on the fiat of Mary, which set into motion the first Advent.

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