Have you ever thought about what Mary was like as a child? We know a lot about Mary’s adult life raising Jesus, but there is little we know about her younger years.
On this Feast of the Presentation of Mary, we celebrate that, from the very beginning of Mary’s life, as a young child, God found favor with her, entered and stayed with her. This wouldn’t have been possible without Mary’s parents, Anna and Joachim, who without hesitation gave their child completely to God.
This day reminds us of the gift of baptism that is available to parents and their children. Anointing a child with oil on their forehead should fill parents with the wonder and awe that similarly filled the hearts of Joachim and Anna.
Later today, talk to your families about the significance of baptism. Tell your children what their baptism was like. What did it feel like when you gave your child to God? And then ask your parents or relatives what your own baptism was like.
I keep you and your family in my prayers daily. God bless.