I recently had several conversations with some old classmates, one of whom I’d known for almost seventy years. We hadn’t been in touch for a lifetime, yet we immediately started reminiscing about people and experiences. Our conversation flowed easily, naturally drawing on the riches of memory.
It is interesting how circumstance brings people into and out of our lives at various times. In families, our children move into their own autonomous lives. Family relationships endure and evolve.

Promise and Expectation
One of our grandkids is moving into a professional career, and another is continuing college studies. The younger ones are looking forward to next year’s grade school discoveries. Recently, we chatted with the college student about coursework, plans for summer, and living arrangements for next year. Every topic was full of promise and expectation. It was delightful.
Time and Perspective
We may think of conversation as an idle pursuit. Yet, when I reflect on many conversations, I can see the immense value and goodness of the people with whom I spoke. I doubt I was conscious of that at the moment. The busyness of life can distract from the meaning of our encounters. Time and perspective provide the blessing of clarity.
Each honest and heartfelt conversation we share moves us forward. I have been reading about creation, time, consciousness, and faith lately. The ideas have affected my way of imagining the God of Jesus. I find it consoling to think in new directions.
“Beloved, we are God’s children now; what we shall be has not yet been revealed. We do know that when it is revealed we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. (1 John 3:2)
Reading Scripture can open a conversation with God, sometimes evoking more feelings than words. The grace of time to reflect helps us harvest meaning and lay the foundation for prayer. We can’t help but be inspired to praise the Creator whose Spirit moves us and all things forward. God’s grace gives perseverance to our hope, breadth to our faith, and depth to our love. The Spirit provides light and insight to our memory and teaches us how to find grace in our every moment, finding Him in every circumstance.
“I will praise you, LORD, with all my heart;
I will declare all your wondrous deeds.” (Psalm 9:2)
In our family prayer, let us praise the Lord, who gives us time – for friendship, conversation, and love.