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By: Allison Brown on March 1st, 2025

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Holy Women's History Month: Saint Mary Magdalene

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Saint Mary Magdalene's experience with our Lord is shared throughout various brief references in the Gospels, all of them attesting to her presence in Christ’s ministry. The most important thing that establishes her as the Apostle to the Apostles, according to Saint Thomas Aquinas, is her presence at the Resurrection. Christ first appeared to her. We can imagine Mary Magdalene on her way to the tomb, overcome with sorrow, grief, regret, and remorse. Her heart was heavy; she knew that there was nowhere else she needed to go.

Mary Magdalene had reached a pivotal moment where she knew the answer to her heart's desires and deepest yearnings. She had found the balm which healed her aching wounds and gave her new life. She had found where her identity lies, crowned with dignity and strength. She knew to whom she belonged, a beloved daughter of the Lord. The chains that had held her down were broken, and the demons had fled in fear. When Jesus calls her by name, Mary Magdalene knows she is loved and He has chosen her. She is free.


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Not a Saint I Could Relate to for a Long Time 

I overlooked this beautiful saint for many years, wishing my birthday had not fallen on her feast day. However, the Lord knew what He was doing, and I firmly believe that the saints chose us. Saint Mary Magdalene slowly started making her presence known. As I grew more in faith, practicing mental prayer and accepting the invitation of healing from the Lord, Mary Magdalene became an example of what it means to remain at Jesus' feet, at the foot of the cross, and patiently waiting for our Lord in faith. 

Through Saint Mary Magdalene, I've learned the importance of bringing everything to Jesus and resting in His love. I've learned to wait patiently, ready to respond when He calls me by name and sends me on my mission. 


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As a mother of eight children, I find it easy to get caught up in the busyness of life. I have often felt that I am not doing enough for God and His church, a lie from the enemy. In reality, I need to do less. I need to remain still and know that the Lord is with me. I need to stay silent so I can hear His voice. I need to remain free so I can receive His love. 

This “one thing” that remains vital in my life is the act of showing up and sitting at His feet. When life becomes overwhelming and crazy, Mary Magdalene constantly reminds me of the importance of this act. She understands the significance of showing up just as we are, bringing to Jesus all our fears, hopes, desires, wounds, and moments of joy or suffering. This act of showing up, of being accepted and understood in our entirety, is a powerful reminder of His love and grace. 

Through the practice of mental prayer, Jesus continues to draw me closer to Him. In mental prayer, one engages in a silent dialogue with the Lord, a heart-to-heart, allowing His presence to permeate the mind and heart. The more time I spent with Him in this intimate form of prayer, the more the walls I built around myself began to crumble, and Jesus healed areas of my heart that I didn't even realize needed healing. I turn up, waiting in silence, knowing that He is near. 

There is beauty in faithfulness and love that reflect the desire to know our Lord intimately. Mary Magdalene's commitment to Jesus is evident throughout the Gospels. Her example has encouraged me to remain committed through the highs and lows of changing seasons. 

My heart is stirred, and I desire to stay before Jesus in the Tabernacle. The crucifix used to make me nervous, but now I am able to pray peacefully before it. I have realized that to sit in silence, in the stillness, is peace in the soul and confidence in the Lord, surrendering everything and laying it at His feet. 

Just Like Mary Magdalene, Jesus Called Me by Name

At that moment, my heart was smashed wide open, and all my wounds were exposed for Jesus to heal. My tears spilled upon his feet, and His arms carried me when I could not take another step. Jesus has crowned me with dignity. He has claimed me as His and desires my soul. He wants my whole heart. The truth of who I am is found in Him. Jesus has called me to walk in humility and strength and to speak with courage and love. 


He looks at me and delights in what He sees. 

Because I am His, I am loved. 

Because I am His, I am free. 

Because I am His, I am healed. 

Because I am His, I am saved. 

Because ... 

He is my beloved. 

And I am His. 


Read more articles in our  Holy Women's History Month series



During Women's History Month, Catholic Mom writers are celebrating the women who have inspired their faith journeys—whether canonized saints, saints in progress, or beloved women from Scripture. Through personal reflections and heartfelt stories, they share how these holy women have touched their lives, offering wisdom, strength, and a deeper connection to God. Join us as we honor the spiritual legacy of these remarkable women and the lasting impact they continue to have on our hearts and souls. )

Copyright 2025 Allison Brown
Images: Holy Cross Family Ministries

About Allison Brown

Allison Brown is an Australian writer, wife, and mother of eight. She brings hope to the suffering through her writing and is actively involved in the Apostoli Viae community. Allison contributes regularly to CatholicMom.com and CatholicExchange.com. She has also contributed to SpiritualDirection.com. Follow her at Vineyard.to/AllisonBrown and on Instagram.