During a retreat, I was giving on a military base in Alabama, the base's chaplain mentioned the Rosary as a powerful prayer. Although I've heard that message many times before, Father's next statement, "The Rosary ends many wars," sparked something new deep inside my heart. As a Portuguese woman, I've known this on some level from the Blessed Mother's message at Fatima, but what he said next transformed how I relate to the Rosary. After a short pause and with palpable passion, he concluded, "Wars that rage in our world, our minds, our bodies, our spirits, and our families."
We fight so many wars within ourselves, our spirits, and, yes, even our families. Each poses its unique challenges. The one that probably causes the most heartache, however, is our family struggles. Families immediate and extended differ in opinion, spirituality, and how each communicates. Yet, these families, chosen by God, are ours. I learned long ago I cannot change anyone; I am not even sure I wield any significant influence over my children. We live in a fallen world with an enormous gift of free will that I think we can agree none of us has figured out how to put to perfect use! Frustrations can run high. Wars can rage—but prayer, well, that brings peace!
The Rosary is also a powerful weapon against spiritual warfare. An enemy's greatest weapon is to convince its opponent that it is not there or has no plan against it. You do not know your opponent's tactics; you cannot combat them. The Rosary is a weapon unlike any other in our arsenal against evil. With it, we call upon the intercession of the young woman who stomped upon the serpent's head with her simple yes, humiliating him and bringing into existence the very being that would cause his downfall. Maybe that sounds a little dramatic, but victory over evil is dramatic.

When I was a little girl, I thought the Rosary was only for old ladies and to help me fall asleep when I was worried or away from home, not because it brought the power of prayer into my heart but because I once saw it as so boring I'd quickly fall asleep as I recited the same prayers—over and over. I now see the wisdom of those who encouraged me to pray it, especially my beloved grandmother, whose faithful example I continue to pull from today.
The Rosary is, as Saint John Paul II called it, "the School of Mary." Within its prayers and meditations, we can learn about Our Lord through meditating on the Scriptures and the traditions of our Church, represented in the mysteries of the Rosary. As we move along the beads, we profess our faith, ask for an increase in virtue, and glorify the Triune God. The Rosary's power, which we celebrate in the month of October, is indeed mighty. It is a weapon to be used daily, with great confidence in its power to end wars and bring about peace in our world, hearts, and families.

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