I attended the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress for 2.5 days. Upon returning to my hotel room one evening I took the container of body lotion that the hotel provided and made attempts to anoint or massage my aching feet.
I reflected on the hundreds of people I encountered, offering my prayers and extending blessings. All around me others were doing the same. We were all anointing tired souls.
Having been anointed with oil at our baptism, we possess his Spirit and in the words of Isaiah, are called to open the eyes of the blind, to bring forth those who are held bound and enslaved, and comfort souls that are tired and weary.
As you gather with your family in prayer today, ask Christ for his help to break open the boundless Spirit implanted within each one of us and be generous in sharing the gifts of that Spirit with others.
For additional reading: The Anointing at Bethany, John 12:1-11.