Their backs were up against a wall, cornered with nowhere to go.
The Israelites had triumphantly been released from being slaves to the Egyptians after more than 400 years; they took their families and all of their belongings and left town. They had gone as far as the Red Sea, only to hear in the distance the Pharaoh’s chariots barreling down on them in revenge.
They had a dead-end in front of them with the deep Red Sea. They couldn’t turn around or they would be heading right into the army. And going left or right would just mean eventual capture as well. They were trapped, afraid, and hopeless. Their triumphant exit from Egypt just led to doom and despair from what they saw.
We all have been there in one form or another. A mother caring for elderly parents and young children while trying to also keep up with her workload feels overwhelmed without an end in sight. A struggling economy affects the income of a small business owner, yet the bills keep coming and it doesn’t seem as though they’ll ever be caught up financially. The death of a parent and then the burden falls on you to handle the estate, sell the house and furnishings, and figure out all of the medical and funeral bills all while trying to grieve. There are also everyday little things that can go wrong, throw you way off schedule, make you feel frazzled, and wonder how you’ll ever get dinner on the table for your family.
When your back is against the wall and you feel like there’s no way out, do you often do what the Israelites did? In fear and stress, they cried out to Moses their leader to save them, questioning why he even brought them to this point and wanting to go back (even preferring being a slave?!). They yelled at him and blamed him for doing this to them. They lost all hope for a solution out of their situation.
Certainly, Moses saw the same scenario in front of him: no way out, the chariots getting closer, all of his beloved people’s lives at risk and him feeling responsible.
But his response was one of a true leader with tremendous faith in his Lord. Even though he never would’ve imagined that God could or would be able to split the Red Sea for them to escape through, he never for a moment doubted that his God would find a way to save them. After all, he’d been through to get the chosen people this far, Moses just knew in his heart that God wouldn’t stop there and allow them to be captured or murdered. He trusted in God so greatly that he knew he just needed to call out to Him in prayer and faith.
But Moses answered the people, “Do not fear! Stand your ground and see the victory the Lord will win for you today." (Exodus 14:13a)
What a beautiful testimony of faith: do not fear, be calm, and just wait and see what our amazing God can do! Don’t ever put Him in a box and think there is only one way out of a situation, for with God ANYTHING is possible. Moses knew this because he’d already witnessed a burning bush, the power of God through his rod, the plagues that only affected the Egyptians, and the eventual release of all the Israelites from bondage. These people had been through most of that as well, but when the going got rough they forgot. They forgot God’s promises (which He always keeps), His incredible power, and His providence over them.
Moses didn’t forget, for his next sentence was,
"For these Egyptians whom you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you have only to keep still.” (Exodus 14:13b-14)
The Lord will fight for you. He is always there for you, even when you feel like you are backed into a corner. He cares and loves you and wants you to feel His peace. He will always keep His promises and provide for you. You just need to believe and pray to Him. Don’t forget all the blessings He’s already given, including the greatest of them all: eternal life with Him, thanks to the sacrifice of His Son Jesus.