World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
God's love | family prayer | trust in God
Their backs were up against a wall, cornered with nowhere to go. The Israelites had triumphantly been released from being slaves to the Egyptians after more than 400 years; they took their families and all of their belongings and left town. They had gone as far as the Red Sea, only to hear in the distance the Pharaoh’s chariots barreling down on them in revenge. They had a dead-end in front of them with the deep Red Sea. They couldn’t turn around or they would be heading right into the army. And going left or right would just mean eventual capture as well. They were trapped, afraid, and hopeless. Their triumphant exit from Egypt just led to doom and despair from what they saw.