Prayer, especially the Rosary, strengthens families to come to know and believe God brings us through every challenge. Coming together as a family to pray during Lent—offering thanksgiving, petition, and intercession for ourselves and others gives new meaning to the season and fosters hope.
Join Family Rosary for 40+ Days of Prayer this Lent. Follow along with the Family Prayer Book (also available as a free PDF download); with blogs and eBooks posted on the blog, and daily encouragement on our social media outlets. Use this time in the Liturgical calendar to bring your family together to pray for your personal and family intentions as well as offering prayer for others.
For Lent only, the PRAY TOGETHER NOW kits will be offered for $5 with free shipping (please note: free shipping valid on US orders only).

The PRAY TOGETHER NOW Family Prayer Kits include items to encourage and facilitate prayer and praying together, especially during these 40+ days of Lent:
- Family Prayer Book includes suggested use of the kit, more detailed explanation of each item included, 35 days of prayer and reflection, as well as an easy-to-follow guide on praying the Rosary.
- Family Prayer Journal
- 5 - Wooden Rosaries made in Italy for the PRAY TOGETHER NOW Movement
- A Small Crucifix
- Votive candle and holder to help set a prayerful mood
- 5 - Inspirational printed images (1 for each Joyful Mystery of the Rosary, 4.25” x 5.5”)
- 5 - Holy Family prayer reminder pocket tokens
- Family Prayer Pledge Card (5”x7”) for frame/display
- Father Peyton prayer card: Ask for Venerable Patrick Peyton’s intercession for your family’s needs
- Kitchen-table tent-display: one side a blessing before meals and another the Hail Mary along with an image of the Blessed Mother face taken of the statue at the Museum of Family Prayer.
- Delivered in a beautifully decorated shipping box

Concerned the kit will not reach you in time for Ash Wednesday? Family Rosary has that covered by offering access to the free digital Family Prayer Book download. Start preparing (or praying) today while you wait for your PRAY TOGETHER NOW Family Prayer Kit to arrive.

The Family That Prays Together Stays Together ~ Venerable Patrick Peyton