Have you ever heard the expression, “misery loves company”?
It is used to convey that I am not alone in feeling that something bad has happened to me or that I have had a bad experience. Knowing that others share these same negative feelings helps to make me feel a little better about myself or about my situation. St. Paul made me think of this when he said “I do not do the good I want, but I do the evil I do not want.”
In humanity’s quest to rid ourselves of these shortcomings, we search for a variety of helps, but all too often overlook the one that is available at our fingertips. Jesus pointed this out to us in the gospel today. We humans are so knowledgeable about the weather, can make predictions, concern ourselves with it on a daily basis because it will impact our work, and any events that we will do on a given day. But Jesus asks why we are incapable of recognizing God as the one who can help rid yourselves of these sins?
Lord, help us to remember You as the one who can help us through anything.