St. Paul And Jesus’ Message To Us - Family Reflection Video
"Those who have never been told of him shall see, and those who have never heard of him shall understand." When St. Paul spoke those words, he was describing his approach to bringing the message of Jesus Christ to people. He was always in search of new territory, seeking out people who were unfamiliar with Jesus and His message for us.
St. Paul was not content to remain with the known rather he sought out the unknown. Not everyone is comfortable with St. Paul’s approach but maybe his philosophy is what is needed in church circles today as we face some serious challenges.
When Jesus told us the story about the shop keeper who was let go, but managed to falsify the accounts to his benefit. He commented that there are instances when people who lack integrity are more resourceful that those of us who are His followers.
Jesus was implying that some of us are too laid back with the practice of our faith, inclined to be too comfortable with the way things are. Sometimes the way things are is okay, but right now all is not okay.
It seems to me that the Scriptures today are urging us to seek out some new approaches to making Christ known loved and served and to light a fire under God’s children of light.
It seems to me that St. Paul and Jesus are both of this mind.
The other evening our vocation director spoke to our local religious community about the challenges our congregations faces as we assist young men with their discernment of whether to follow Jesus as a priest or a brother. He listed a host of factors that work against us today.
For instance, parents at one time cautioned a son to wait until college before making any commitments. Now they are telling their sons to go out into the world and work before making any decisions.
Our province opted to hire a layman, a parent, to assist our vocation team with recruitment, but some of our membership questioned such a move. I believe that St. Paul would have affirmed it. He would have approved of seeking new approaches instead of just adding on to the old.
I believe that Jesus today would have said the same, urging us to be clever - and as prudent as some of those marketing geniuses who are making their mark with our youth today in so many other areas outside of the faith.
Making choices is something we do every day. More often than now we seek what is comfortable, however there are times when changes trump comfort, and we need to be able to read the signs of the times, and to be open to the words that St. Paul and Jesus share with us today.
Let us bring their messages to our prayer today.
Father Leo's inspirational homily was recorded live this morning during Mass at the Father Peyton Center. Please view the video on our Facebook page. (You don't need a Facebook account to view.)
- To view Rosary prayer and Mass streaming live, please visit our Facebook page at 11:30 am EST, Monday – Friday. Please invite your loved ones to join us too! (You don't need a Facebook account to view.)
About Father Leo Polselli, C.S.C.
Father Leo Polselli, C.S.C. is Chaplain at the Father Peyton Center in Easton, MA. Before coming to Holy Cross Family Ministries he served as a teacher and a parish priest. He also served for six years as a General Assistant of the Congregation in Rome, Italy. Originally from Fall River, MA, Father Leo grew up with eight siblings. Gifted with several languages, he is able to serve the Brazilian, Cape Verdean, Portuguese, Spanish and Haitian communities. When he's not greeting everyone who comes to the Father Peyton Center, you can find him regularly reading newspapers!