Their hearts were hardened. This still happens to the best of us. They did not understand the incident of the loaves. Jesus fed 5,000 people and many of his closest followers questioned his ability to do such a thing.
St. John said today that no one has ever seen God but in fact we have. There are times we don’t recognize Him since we have created our own image of who He is and where we will find Him.
What have we seen of Jesus in this world? He always reached out to all kinds of people, even sinners. He sought to bring comfort to others. He assured people they would never be alone and when their earthly life was ended, it would merely change and they would be with Him.
As He was and is, so are we to be in this world. This is how love will be brought to perfection.
Those early disciples did not fully understand the actions of Jesus or equate them with loving others but that’s what Jesus was trying to teach them … and is still trying to teach us today.
Today's readings