You’re in a hurry, as you usually are. Imagine you’re behind an elderly man, nervously counting his change in the checkout line at Walmart.
Today’s gospel reminded me of this story I read recently. As an elderly man at Walmart begins counting out his coins, the cashier does something unusual.
The cashier didn’t consider her actions so extraordinary but rather naturally did what she thought was right. Afterward, the cashier responds to a customer nearby, what’s wrong with our world today is we’ve forgotten how to love one other.
Jesus felt the same when only one of the ten returned to give thanks.
At the dinner table, you might want to use these two questions to start a faith-filled conversation. Have you paused for a prayerful moment today to praise and thank God? Can you think of two examples of how you reacted with love to someone today?
Today, I pray you and your family will remind others of God’s love and generosity through the unexpected love and generosity you show to them!