You and your spouse are cordially invited to a faith-filled Valentine night out on Saturday, February 10.
Come celebrate the blessings of married life in the Lord! Set aside time together as a couple to experience a joyful and memorable evening.
Meet other local married couples at this special, complimentary evening which will include:
5:00 pm – Vigil Mass and Renewal of Vows at St. Joseph Chapel
6:00-8:00 pm – Dinner and Date Night at the Museum of Family Prayer
Both are conveniently located on the campus of the Father Peyton Center in North Easton, Massachusetts:
The Father Peyton Center
518 Washington St.
N. Easton, MA 02356
The evening will also feature a warm, lively presentation by Amy and Craig Dyke, married for over 25 years with two decades of experience in marriage ministry.
Registration for the event is required and will close on February 2. Click here to RSVP:
If you have any questions, please contact us at: