World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Celebrating family life | Seasonal Reflections
Not too long ago, our seven-year-old grandson was looking through some 1950’s family photo albums. We explained to him how he was related to the various family members in the pictures.
Celebrating family life | Seasonal Reflections
We are looking forward to spring as it brings so many inviting days for taking nature walks. We recently happened to pass by a shoreline nature preserve where we had walked over a year ago. The memory was vivid as the day was bright with sun, windy, and cold – a perfect winter day for walking.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Celebrating family life | Seasonal Reflections
I have a hazy school memory from sixty years ago. The teacher used a strategy that involved students standing around the room shoulder to shoulder. The teacher posed a question to each student, in turn, about something we had studied. If they answered correctly, they stayed in their place. An incorrect answer resulted in a trek to the end of the line to wait for another turn.
Celebrating family life | Seasonal Reflections
Years ago, it fell to me to clean out our family home. Anyone who has performed this chore knows that it can be a painstaking task. It took longer than anticipated, actually, longer than I wanted it to take.
A few days ago, I was blessed to view a spectacular dawn. The early blue-gray darkness of morning gave way to sunlight’s awakening canvas of red, orange, yellow, rose cloud reflections. Trees and homes appeared in the soft, tinted glow of pastel light. For a few moments, everything offered a luminescent insight. Quite beautiful!
CatholicMom | Celebrating family life
Betsy Kerekes shares five fresh ways to show your love and appreciation for your husband.