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Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

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God Speaks in Mysterious Ways - Weekday Homily Video

As you might remember from Wednesday’s first reading, Elijah was the last prophet of God standing---when he challenged the people to choose between God and the pagan god Baal. Well, although he had faith, and God had rewarded it…things weren’t going so well, and today, he’s running for his life. How many times have we heard of prophets like Elijah or Jonah who’ve faced long odds and tried to outrun either the opposition or, at times, God’s mission for them?

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Finding Forgiveness on Saint Anthony's Feast - Weekday Homily Video

Today's Mass reading gets personal really fast. "If you bring your gift to the altar and remember that your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there, go and reconcile with your brother, and then come and offer your gift." Reflecting on the gospel today, I imagine myself sitting and listening among the disciples, thinking I do well in keeping the commandments. The law seems straightforward, and I'm confident I will meet the challenge of abiding by it. Knowing that I have settled into a comfort zone, I imagine Jesus looking at me and saying, "No, not so fast." I can hear him telling me that it is not enough to merely adhere to the letter of the law; interpreting the commandments like a checklist is not going to cut it—there is more to it than that.

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The Apostle of Encouragement - Weekday Homily Video

I vaguely remember reading the story of a carpenter who helped build the Church and counselled others faced hardships - his wife's sudden death, financial troubles, and exploitation. Dejected, he attended Mass and was moved by the priest's sermon on God's love. Afterward, he spoke with the priest at length. The man felt immensely relieved, telling his neighbor, "When I went to his office, all hope was lost—but one by one, he restored my hope. I feel so much stronger and hopeful now!" Life's unfair experiences can drain us. When "the stars fall from our skies," we need encouragement and support to restore hope one by one, putting the stars back again. Today, the Church commemorates the Feast of St. Barnabas, a great source of encouragement that urges us to encourage others.

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Return Love for Love - Weekday Homily Video

Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. This feast is the titular feast of the Priests of the Congregation of Holy Cross. If you know any priests of the Congregation of Holy Cross, please wish them a good feast day! The founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Blessed Basil Moreau wrote, “To give one’s heart is to give love. Jesus speaks our language when he holds out his heart to us, which tells the story of his love for us. The primary purpose of the devotion to the Sacred Heart is to return love for love.”

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Holy lives of inspiration  |  Learn more about our faith

Close to the Kingdom of God - Weekday Homily Video

St. Norbert was born nearly one thousand years ago, but his life can inspire us today. He was born in Germany and sensed a call to the priesthood while recovering from a near-fatal horse-riding accident, unlike Father Patrick Peyton’s path after recovering from Tuberculosis. St. Norbert faced early challenges at the beginning of his priesthood. His brother priests were against his promotion of an ascetical way of life and reforms in the Church.

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Holy lives of inspiration  |  Learn more about our faith

Lifting Others as You Go - Weekday Homily Video

Father Leo Polselli, C.S.C. offers a thought-provoking and unique take on today's Mass Readings. We invite you to listen to his brief homily video below, then reflect on the questions below alone, or even better, with your family.

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