Prayers for Family

World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Blog Feature

Humility  |  Saint Andre Bessette  |  Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal  |  intercession of saints

Saint André Bessette: Humble Servant

“Let not the wise boast of his wisdom, nor the strong boast of his strength, nor the rich man boast of his riches; But rather, let those who boast, boast of this, that in their prudence they know me.” (Jer 9:22-23) The prophet Jeremiah speaks of the invaluable role of the virtue of humility in cultivating a life of faith. Jeremiah understands that humility is what guides us to know God. If one is so in love with their own wisdom, their own strength, their own wealth, they will never know the love of God. Humility is the strength to submit to the will of God, the strength to recognize that God is far greater than oneself. Our human nature often leads us to hold tightly to our own will and constantly seek control. We want to know how each day will go and want to dictate as much as we can. This so often gets in the way of recognizing God in our lives. Saint André's humble life of service and profound faith demonstrate that we, too, can boast, as Jeremiah spoke in the Scriptures.

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Blog Feature

Healing Mass  |  intercession of saints  |  serving others

Feast of Saint André Bessette: A Model of Faith

“Let not the wise boast of his wisdom, nor the strong boast of his strength, nor the rich man boast of his riches; But rather, let those who boast, boast of this, that in their prudence they know me.” (Jer. 9:22-23) This quote from the prophet Jeremiah speaks to one of the most important virtues that can lead to a life of faith—humility. As Jeremiah knows, it is humility that leads us to know God. If one is so in love with their own wisdom, their own strength, their own wealth, they will never know the love of God. Humility is the strength to submit to the will of God. It is the strength to know that God is so much bigger than yourself.

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Blog Feature

Healing Mass  |  intercession of saints  |  serving others

St. André Bessette: A Model of Faith for All

“Let not the wise boast of his wisdom, nor the strong boast of his strength, nor the rich man boast of his riches; But rather, let those who boast, boast of this, that in their prudence they know me.” (Jer. 9:22-23) This quote from the prophet Jeremiah speaks to one of the most important virtues that can lead to a life of faith—humility. As Jeremiah knows, it is humility that leads us to know God. If one is so in love with their own wisdom, their own strength, their own wealth, they will never know the love of God. Humility is the strength to submit to the will of God. It is the strength to know that God is so much bigger than yourself.

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