World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Today we celebrate the Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is the presentation to God of Mary when she was a baby by her parents who tradition teaches us were Joachim and Ann. This presentation of Mary that we celebrate today is different from the Presentation of Jesus in the temple by Mary and Joseph.
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Yesterday, after our groundbreaking at the Father Peyton Center in Easton, we had a wonderful reception for our guests and our Holy Cross Family Ministries team. Later that evening, I thought about the conversation at our table and the topic of the first reading: wisdom. I thought about the expression "that with age comes wisdom." I certainly hope so!
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
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The Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome and the Feast of the Chair of Peter often require some thought and additional information. The Lateran Basilica is the Holy Father's local parish as bishop of Rome; therein lies the importance of this sacred building.
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Today, we are gathered here, my brothers and sisters, to commemorate the faithful departed. The first reading says, all the faithful departed shall abide with the Lord in love. We are here to prayerfully remember our loved ones - friends, family, neighbors, people we knew and some we did not know - who have already gone to the Lord. We celebrate their lives and thank God for the time we spent with them here on earth. We pray that God gives them good rest and peace. We pray that their lives remain an inspiration to us who are still on pilgrimage here on earth.
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The woman had been suffering from her condition for eighteen long years. However, Jesus' opponents demanded that He wait for one more day, after the Sabbath, to cure her. But, considering she had already remained for eighteen years, couldn't Jesus wait for just one more day?
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Today, we hear that St. Paul confesses that even though he wants to do “the good,” he falls short; in fact, he doesn’t just fail to do good; he sometimes does what’s wrong.