World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
In the gospel today Jesus took a bit of a disarming walk with his disciples. I say disarming walk, mindful of a particular vocation director, who use to take candidates for walks around campus, all the while asking them different questions. He was often surprised by some of their answers, which is what happens when you allow people to be honest.
So, we hear of Jesus performing a great miracle. He makes a blind man see. But what really happened? Did He not do it right the first time? He laid hands on him but then the guy doesn’t get fully cured, right? Then there’s the part about using His spit: that seems least pretty strange, doesn’t it? However, we certainly know that Jesus doesn’t make mistakes. So what's really going on here?
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Jesus poses this question to the disciples: "Do you still not understand?" and that question hung in the air as I listened to this portion of the gospel from Mark. It follows the disciples' concern about not bringing enough bread to eat. Jesus then asks the disciples a series of questions that struck me as good questions for each of us today.
It was fifteen years ago when I first visited the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, in the south of France. Getting there was a bit crazy, as travel can be, but the stress only served to highlight what happened when I finally arrived and set foot on the Sanctuary domain: an extraordinary peace settled on my entire being.
It was a spontaneous conversation. I had just returned from a long absence when I engaged a gentleman in conversation. I talked about my trip, my experience with the vibrant faith I encountered, and he, in turn, shared a little of his own faith journey.
The Scriptures today present us with two very different personalities, Solomon, and Jesus, different in appearance yet similar in that people came seeking what they had to offer. The Queen of the South, a significant personality in her own right, had heard about Solomon and his extraordinary accomplishments, including the temple and its opulence, and his wisdom in particular.