World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
One day, a parishioner asked her pastor: "Father, why doesn’t God simplify things for us? Can’t He bring about peace by keeping good people alive and eliminating all those who are evil?" The pastor took his turn to pose a question, "If you are the mother of ten children, five of whom are behaving well, and five of whom are giving you terrible headaches, will you eliminate your bad children?" Immediately, the woman said, "Of course not!"
Our Holy Cross community in North Easton, MA with its twenty priests and one brother welcomed a new religious superior. He met with us individually asking us about our lives in community, what we expected from him and the big question, “do we have a spiritual director”. I’m sure this question elicited a lot of different responses.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
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Wally Funk, at 82, the oldest person to ever fly in space, commented upon her return to earth that she had been waiting a long time to get up there and it finally happened. My thoughts turned to Mary Magdalene, whose feast day we celebrate today. As a disciple of Jesus, she joined the ranks of other men and women who stood by Him, and participated in His mission of bringing compassion and care to the masses. Wally Funk waited and she finally got up there. Mary Magdalene waited and she got to meet Jesus.
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The celebration of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is not one of the major Marian Feasts of the Year, like the Immaculate Conception or the Assumption, yet the reverence of Mary as Our Lady of Mount Carmel is one of the most widespread devotions found around the whole world. I have often wondered why that is...
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The other day I went running at 6 am. It was a beautiful summer morning. The sun had just risen and the birds were singing as I was passing through a green field. GLORIOUS! I knew I was surrounded by the presence of the Lord.
Flower crowns have a very long history. Today we associate them with little girls celebrating First Communion and of course, the Crowning of Mary in May, but they have existed for centuries in cultures all around the world. From 1967’s Summer of Love, to the Native Hawaiian Lays, flower crowns have always been an important symbol of celebration. Queen Victoria married Prince Albert in 1840, and not only did she popularize wearing a white wedding dress, but she also wore a crown of flowers.