World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Healing the family | Return to the Church
Jesus was saying some things that were so amazing, the group was left speechless. Maybe they couldn’t believe they were hearing words that would have been so blasphemous to their ears!
Today, influenced by Christ’s love and mercy, we would not use such blunt language, especially in a worship place. Sadly, at that time, that was the only kind of language that could get the attention of the Israelites.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Love thy Neighbor | Return to the Church
Did you notice as the Gospel was read today that the word ‘life’ appeared four times? That number struck me as I was preparing for today’s Mass. Four times! Why four times? It doesn’t have a different meaning each time. The point is that we can use our lives differently.
Holy lives of inspiration | Return to the Church
Jesus must have had extraordinary appeal as evidenced in the people who kept following Him. What did they see in Jesus? What was it about His person that was so appealing that people wanted to be around Him, close to Him?
Return to the Church | Strengthening family unity
Tomorrow we celebrate Our Lady of Fatima, the most well-known Marian feast of this “Month of Mary.” The message from Fatima is a great message of hope. Yet a hope that is not naïve to real challenges that we must face together with the Lord.
If you understand this blessed are you if you do it? What was Jesus referring to when he asked this in the gospel, we heard at mass today. Recall that he had just washed the feet of the disciples and he was modeling for them a behavior. He was instructing his followers about service, humility and self- sacrifice. Then he said, if you understand this blessed are you if you do it. And ever since people have been doing it.