So much is happening this Holy Week. Palm Sunday begins with the triumphant entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem, and ended with his death on the cross. This Holy Week brings about special reflections Jesus, and of the persons of Isaiah, Judas, and the Beloved Disciple, Peter.
Just as Isaiah mentions his birth, and how God called him by name, I thought of how much we have in common with him. We too are God’s handiwork.
God also calls each of us by name and holds us in the palms of His hands, making us also a light to the nations. In reaching out to others we allow the light of Christ within each of us to go forth, giving God the glory.
And like Isaiah there are moments in some of our lives when we thought our efforts to be inadequate and amounting to so little. But this is not so.
When Jesus mentions that among the disciples at the table with Him, there was the beloved disciple some are inclined to believe was John. The name 'beloved disciple' appears elsewhere in John.
The figure always appears in a positive light and some would say is refers to the faithful who strive to follow Jesus and live His is message. That is us!
Like Peter, we too ask Jesus, but where are you going? And to us he says the same, you will know soon enough.
And we did know soon enough for three days after He died, Jesus rose and appeared with His disciples and others, explaining more fully where He had been, and that He would be returning to take us with Him when our time comes.
So much of what is happening this week is a mirror into what happens in our lives.
If we pay close attention, we will see in ourselves a little of Isaiah, the acknowledgement of a life blessed by God, yet still capable of harboring feelings of failure and loss; Jesus, hurt by betrayal; Judas, drawn to sin and deception; and Peter, wavering faith or denial.
All of this and still Jesus calls us His beloved disciples, knowing that each one of us is a blend of darkness and light.
Lord, we believe. Help us in our unbelief.
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Father Leo Polselli, C.S.C. is Chaplain at the Father Peyton Center in Easton, MA. Before coming to Holy Cross Family Ministries he served as a teacher and a parish priest. He also served for six years as a General Assistant of the Congregation in Rome, Italy. Originally from Fall River, MA, Father Leo grew up with eight siblings. Gifted with several languages, he is able to serve the Brazilian, Cape Verdean, Portuguese, Spanish and Haitian communities. When he's not greeting everyone who comes to the Father Peyton Center, you can find him regularly reading newspapers!