Having consumed the Body and Blood of the Lord in Word and Sacrament, they could come together in praise and thanksgiving believing that Christ sacrificed his life so that we might have life, eternal life.
This was the scene when I recently spent time with fathers and sons at a local Church just a few weeks ago. The young sons stood side by side with their fathers during prayer – this was truly an incredible moving scene seeing them all pray together and illustrates the power and importance of family prayer.
For me, the message of today’s Scripture was alive and well in that Church, as the fathers prayed the rosary with their sons. Those men and their young sons were, for me, the chosen instruments that God had selected to carry His name forward.
Are there any instruments in your life which God has put there in order to carry out His name? If so, how do these instruments play an active role in your daily life?
Lord, may you guide us all through this journey so that we may one day have eternal life with you. Amen.
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