We are losing those who need a sign.
It is a hard truth, but one that many people might not notice are happening: children are no longer practicing the faith. Jesus talks today of “something greater,” and this something is enough for those who believe without seeing. Is this something not of interest to our youth?
There is hope in the situation- a retired bishop wrote about places where he felt there was something spiritually special, and two of them are close to my heart. One is the Congregation of Holy Cross, made up of commitment and great people. The other is Notre Dame, our Mother. Students at this university in Indiana are surrounded by blessings and spirituality throughout their time at school. This “something greater” is wonderful when we find it around us, but it needs to spread everywhere, connecting us as communities.
Do I find my surroundings to hold “something greater?” How do I spread God’s love? In what ways do I encourage God’s teachings through my life?
We pray today for the Lord’s blessings to surround us and those we love.
For additional reading: Today’s Gospel: The Demand for a Sign, About the Congregation of Holy Cross, About the University of Notre Dame