Gifts clear the way for people. (Proverbs 18:16a)
As I drove Sister Beata of the Sisters of Life to Boston’s Logan airport it was a perfect time for us to hold a conversation. "Tell me," I asked, “in your work with expectant mothers, what's the key to truly encouraging them?" Sister Beata smiled, "We help them find their 'love gift.’” A love gift, she explained, is the way you show your love. "It's the unique way each of us shows love to the world. Think of it as your spiritual superpower — the special way God designed you to give and receive love."
Sister Beata told me that her “love gift” is being a way-maker for people to find Jesus. Before joining the Sisters of Life, she had been an avid runner, always finding new paths and mapping out routes. "That wasn't just a hobby," she explained. "It was a clue to my love gift. I'm a waymaker — someone who helps others find their path to Jesus." The Mysteries of the Rosary that reflect her gift are the Visitation, where Mary travels to Elizabeth; the Finding in the Temple; the Way of the Cross, the Resurrection appearances, and the Announcement of the Kingdom — they all speak to journeys to finding paths, to helping others along the way.
When Sister Beata asked me about my love gift, I realized, "It's highlighting the gift of baptism for others. Ever since I joined the Daughters of St. Paul, I've had this burning desire to tell everyone they can evangelize!" When I was a teenager, Vatican II was barely over. The same Spirit that enkindled the Council’s fire was stirring my heart. The Mysteries of the Rosary expressing my love gift are the Annunciation, the Baptism of Jesus, the Proclamation of the Kingdom, the Descent of the Holy Spirit, and my favorite, the Visitation — it's all about going toward others with Jesus.

What's Your Love Gift?
It's there, waiting to be discovered. Perhaps it's in the way your eyes light up when you talk about certain things, or in the moments when you feel most alive. Maybe it's hidden in the very thing you've always done naturally, without even thinking about it. Saint Peter reminds us:
As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace. (1 Peter 4:10-11)
Discover Your Love Gift
- Reflect on what stirs your heart and brings you joy.
- Identify the Rosary mysteries that align with your gift.
- Ask Mary to guide you in living and sharing your gift.
- Share your gift with family, friends, and everyone you meet.

What is our Blessed Mother’s love gift? She has so many!
Recently a new Facebook friend wanted to know more about Mary’s role. She said she told Mary, “If a nun were here, she could tell me about you.” When we met on Zoom, she realized Mary did send her a religious sister! My love gift kicked in. I suggested the book Mary, Mother of the Apostles. From this meeting (Mystery of the Visitation!), a book club began. She asked how to pray the Rosary and discovered Mary’s love gift.
Hey Sister Margaret,
The other day I had a relative visit. This person always tries to get under my skin. Well as usual they tried, and I thought “No, this cannot happen.” Then I heard and felt a whoosh. Blood pressure went down, completely calm and the relative threw their hand in the air and they got upset because I didn’t react to them. Is this normal when you pray the Rosary? (I hope so).
Peace is Mary’s love gift! As we pray the Rosary with Mary, we absorb her gift of peace.