Let’s all make a New Year resolution worth keeping! Praying for and with our family!
The annual Family Rosary Novena for Family Unity and Peace celebrating Venerable Patrick Peyton’s Birth begins on January 9 and continues each day through January 17. What a wonderful way for you and your family to begin the New Year: by inviting Venerable Patrick Peyton and Our Blessed Mother to join you in prayer for your needs and concerns. The Catholic Church refers to this as “intercessory prayer,” simply turning to our heavenly friends to pray with you and for you.

Download Novena Booklet (English)
Download Novena Booklet (Spanish)
We invite you to pray with us each day, either here on our blog or via our daily 11:30 am ET Rosary live stream on YouTube. Read on to learn more!
When Father Peyton encouraged the world with his message, “The Family That Prays Together Stays Together,” he was committed and passionate about the hope behind it! He was sure praying together, especially the Rosary, would make a tremendous difference in our homes. Families are facing so many challenges; we need family prayer more than ever. Perhaps healing our families can help heal a community, then a country, and eventually the world.
Will you and your family consider praying with us?
It is only 9 days which we believe will have a lasting impact on your home.
New to the Rosary? Our Novena Booklet provides easy-to-follow instructions and all the necessary prayers. Remember, there is no wrong way to pray. Maybe you can start with one or two prayers, then build up to a decade of the Rosary — adding a little more each day. It will get easier each time until it quickly becomes a peaceful and positive part of the day that you and your family look forward to. It will help you relax, draw you closer to your family, and fill you with confidence and grace that God’s got everything under control.
The Rosary Priest
Father Peyton was our ministry’s founder and is now a candidate for sainthood. Today, Father Peyton's messages that "The Family That Prays Together Stays Together" and "A World at Prayer is a World at Peace" are still well known around the world. His Cause for Sainthood was officially opened in 2001, and he is currently named Venerable. With your prayers, hopefully, he will be recognized as a Saint for Family Prayer!
Pray the Rosary Live with Family Rosary
Additionally, we invite you to pray with Family Rosary during our daily 11:30 a.m. ET Rosary live on YouTube (and Facebook). We will also air the Rosary and Novena over the weekend via Facebook (*Facebook account not required to view videos) so we can continue to pray together. Not a convenient time? The live Rosary and Novena prayers remain available as recordings at the same links.