World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Father Patrick Peyton | family prayer | peace | rosary novena
Let’s all make a New Year resolution worth keeping! Praying for and with our family! The annual Family Rosary Novena for Family Unity and Peace celebrating Venerable Patrick Peyton’s Birth begins on January 9 and continues each day through January 17. What a wonderful way for you and your family to begin the New Year: by inviting Venerable Patrick Peyton and Our Blessed Mother to join you in prayer for your needs and concerns. The Catholic Church refers to this as “intercessory prayer,” simply turning to our heavenly friends to pray with you and for you. Download Novena Booklet (English) Download Novena Booklet (Spanish) We invite you to pray with us each day, either here on our blog or via our daily 11:30 am ET Rosary live stream on YouTube. Read on to learn more!
Books | Family Rosary | Father Patrick Peyton | Fr. Willy Raymond, C.S.C. | family prayer
Growing up my mom always told me, “The family that prays together stays together.” This was usually when I had something that I would much rather be doing or when I thought that I was “too cool” for nightly family prayers or felt that there wasn’t enough time in the day to stop and pray. But, as I have found about most things my mom taught me, she is right. Praying as a family is so, so important. In my own life the families that are close to their faith and practice it together are so much more peaceful, stable, and content in their lives than those that don’t. When I received a copy of the book The Family that Prays Together Stays Together: Discover the Promise and Power of the Rosary with Father Patrick Peyton edited by Father Willy Raymond, C.S.C., I knew that it would be something that would resonate with me—and I was not disappointed.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Father Patrick Peyton | family prayer | rosary novena
Let’s all make a New Year resolution worth keeping! Daily family prayer! Begin Praying Here! The annual Family Novena Celebrating Venerable Patrick Peyton’s Birth begins on January 9 and continues each day through January 17. There could be no better way for you and your family to start the New Year – asking Father Peyton and Our Blessed Mother to pray with you and for you from heaven for your needs and concerns. The Church refers to this as “intercession” … like asking a friend here on earth to pray with you and for you.
Father Patrick Peyton | Holy lives of inspiration | pray the rosary
On this 31st Anniversary of Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C.'s death on June 3, 1992, we celebrate with a moving story of the power of the family Rosary from PRAY: THE STORY OF PATRICK PEYTON, producer and co-writer Megan Harrington. Growing up my parents made us — it was not a choice or an option — be in the kitchen at 7 am before school to pray the Rosary. They believed in its promises and the power of prayer. Gathering a herd of 11 children is not an easy task, especially in the morning. I’d like to tell you that their example launched me into the daily practice from the time I was a small girl until today, but unfortunately, it didn’t. The seed was planted, however, and I would be reminded of its effectiveness many times over the course of my life. I am forever grateful to my parents, who were the first witnesses of the faith.
Father Patrick Peyton | family prayer | rosary novena
There is no better way to start off the New Year than in prayer—as a family and for your family. As our ministry founder and sainthood candidate, Father Patrick Peyton, used to remind the world, "The family that prays together stays together." Take that to heart this year and what an amazing year it will be!