Prayers for Family

World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Amelia Bentrup

Amelia Bentrup is a wife and mother of five children ranging in age from early elementary school to college-aged. She spends her days homeschooling, being a semi-adequate housekeeper, writing, transcription editing, chauffeuring kids, walking through the woods, praying, and caring for a large assortment of pets that include three cats, two dogs and a rabbit. Occasionally, she tackles house projects that she immediately regrets starting,

Blog Feature

Family Time  |  family prayer  |  pray the rosary

How Busy Families Build a Habit of Prayer Time

A few years ago, our priest gave a homily on the importance of praying together as a family. Prior to that, we had tried to institute family prayer time, but it always fell by the wayside as kids got older and busy schedules interfered. This child or parent would not be home. That activity or event interfered. Life just got in the way, so we would fall out of the habit.

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