World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Venerable Patrick Peyton | family prayer | rosary novena
The annual Family Novena Celebrating Venerable Patrick Peyton’s Birth, January 9–17, is your opportunity to seek Father Peyton and Our Blessed Mother’s intercession for your family’s needs in 2024. Join families and individuals around the world praying together to seek unity in families and peace in the world this year. The Novena booklet will guide you in a few minutes of prayer each day for a spirit-filled beginning to our New Year. Don’t miss out on this special prayer event and join thousands around the world in prayer.
Venerable Patrick Peyton | family prayer | rosary novena
The annual Family Novena Celebrating Venerable Patrick Peyton’s Birth, January 9–17, is a wonderful opportunity to seek Father Peyton and Our Blessed Mother’s intercession. Families face many challenges and even navigating everyday life requires daily prayer. The Rosary, especially prayed as a family, is a powerful prayer; we honestly cannot think of a better way to begin a new year and build a habit of daily prayer, than with this Rosary Novena. New to the Rosary? Our free downloadable Novena booklet includes all instructions and prayers to help you not feel intimidated or to become discouraged. Remember there are no mistakes in our sincere prayer. Maybe you can start with a prayer, or a decade of the Rosary then keep adding more each day. It will get easier each time until it quickly becomes a peaceful and positive part of the day that you and your family look forward to.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Venerable Patrick Peyton | family prayer | rosary novena
The annual Family Novena Celebrating Venerable Patrick Peyton’s Birth, January 9–17, is your opportunity to seek Father Peyton and Our Blessed Mother’s intercession for your family’s needs in 2024. Join families and individuals around the world praying together to seek unity in families and peace in the world this year. The Novena booklet will guide you in a few minutes of prayer each day for a spirit-filled beginning to our New Year.
Venerable Patrick Peyton | family prayer | rosary novena
The annual Family Novena Celebrating Venerable Patrick Peyton’s Birth begins today, January 9, and continues each day through January 17. There could be no better way for you and your family to start the New Year — asking Father Peyton and Our Blessed Mother to pray with you and for you from heaven for your needs and concerns. The Church refers to this as “intercession” … like asking a friend here on earth to pray with you and for you.
Father Patrick Peyton | family prayer | rosary novena
Let’s all make a New Year resolution worth keeping! Daily family prayer! Begin Praying Here! The annual Family Novena Celebrating Venerable Patrick Peyton’s Birth begins on January 9 and continues each day through January 17. There could be no better way for you and your family to start the New Year – asking Father Peyton and Our Blessed Mother to pray with you and for you from heaven for your needs and concerns. The Church refers to this as “intercession” … like asking a friend here on earth to pray with you and for you.
Advent | Almsgiving | corporal works of mercy | family prayer
The Corporal Works of Mercy—feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, and shelter the homeless—can all be categorized with one powerful word: Almsgiving. We often associate that word with Lent, but the truth is people and organizations who serve those in need require assistance all year long. As Christians, we must love and care for those in our society who are in most need. That is why it is important to continue the practice of almsgiving year-round. On the Feast Day of Saint Stephen, we remember his role not only as the first Christian martyr but also as one of the first deacons! As a deacon, Saint Stephen was charged with giving alms to the poor and serving those in most need. On the Feast of Saint Stephen, December 26, make time to reflect upon how you can best serve our brothers and sisters in need.