World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
I recently heard a homily in which the priest said that he loved the readings at the beginning of the Book of Genesis. This priest spoke of how they have a rhythm that describes God’s thoughts and actions that reveal both an order and the goodness of God.
Holy lives of inspiration | Love thy Neighbor
Today, we celebrate the Memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes and the World Day of Prayer for the Sick. We also hear the Blessed Mother’s instruction in the Gospel of John to the waiter, to “Do whatever he tells you.” One day I hope to make a pilgrimage to the Shrine at Lourdes in France. For, it is a place that I have heard about since I was a child, beginning with my mother’s powerful experience of witnessing throngs of people from around the world assisting family, friends, and even strangers who were ill and infirmed in wheelchairs and stretchers to join in the procession and Rosary prayer for all those seeking healing.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Today’s gospel from Matthew is known as the Great Commission and it takes place after the Resurrection of Jesus and up on a mountain. This final scene also takes place in Galilee which brings the story full circle. For it was in this area that Jesus grew up, where the first apostles were called, and where the message of the kingdom was first preached.
Strengthening family unity | Why pray?
Saint Paul’s Letter to the Hebrews uses the metaphor of running the race of life to Heaven. Way back in the 70’s not many adults ran or jogged in races, that is until marathon runners like Bill Rogers and Jim Fix made it popular for everyday people of all ages to go out for a jog or run. I was a young teenager when this was going on and because my family was into playing and attending sports, we used to attend the Boston Marathon each spring up on heart-break hill, the most challenging part of the course.
Saint Paul was a man of action. For years he persecuted those who followed the teachings of Jesus until his conversion on the road to Damascus. Then once Jesus spoke to Him and opened his eyes to the truth of Jesus, he became a man on a mission, not just for the salvation of his soul, but every soul that he could evangelize.
Holy lives of inspiration | Why pray?
Yesterday, I asked several of my co-workers a question about the Our Father prayer. I asked each of them when you pray the words: “…thy Kingdom come thy will be done and earth as it is in heaven…”—what does the part “thy will be done” make you think of? Three people said in so many words: I think about God having a plan. Each of them finds a sense of peace and reassurance in knowing that God has it all figured out. So, what do you think about when you say to God the Father: “thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven…” ---what comes into your mind? What are you or I signing onto when we make that prayer?