World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
“Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.” Those are the words that I most often say at the end of Mass. And they’re the words that each one of us tries to live each day, guided by the Word of God and the promptings of the Holy Spirit. But we know that our ways don’t always naturally follow God’s.
Return to the Church | Why pray?
Last week, Father Fred spoke of the benefits of the first disciples going out two by two. Today’s gospel brought me back to that message as it connects to our salvation. Back in 2010, I went to Rome for meetings about Father Peyton’s Cause for Sainthood. I arrived one day before Father Jim Phalan, so, unlike the disciples, I was traveling alone. Everything went fine during the day, even the evening, until about 10:30 or 11 pm when I returned to the monastery where I was staying.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Holy lives of inspiration | Why pray?
Today’s gospel from Luke begins like in many family conversations, with someone interrupting, and probably like in our families, the topic quickly changes. It goes from Jesus trying to reassure the disciples about not fearing persecution for their faith to being on guard against the vice of greed.
Holy lives of inspiration | Learn more about our faith
Today’s Gospel and Fr. Leo’s homily from yesterday reminded me of the need to have patient trust in Jesus. The other day driving down a busy single-lane road, the car in front of me stopped to make a left turn, except it couldn’t because there was a long line, as far as I could see, of headlights streaming toward us, preventing that car from turning.
Holy lives of inspiration | Return to the Church
Today we celebrate the life of St. James, the Apostle. A powerful and courageous evangelist, leader, and martyr for the faith. And, yet the gospel reminds us of the humanity of even the saints.
Return to the Church | Why pray?
This time of year, with the high heat and today’s gospel, always brings me back to mowing lawns and doing yard work while growing up. As a kid, it was great working outside, taking care of neighbors’ lawns and shrubs, making money while appreciating the beauty of creation, and having a small role in making things look good in our neighborhood.