World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
In today’s gospel, Jesus is making a case for his true identity. And, since Jewish law prohibited Him from testifying on his own behalf, Jesus cites two other testimonies.
Holy lives of inspiration | Love thy Neighbor
Today’s first reading begins, “I am the Lord, there is no other….” In those eight words, we’re reminded of Whom we should turn to each day. As if to acknowledge our need to have this truth firmly imprinted in our hearts and minds, “I am the Lord, there is no other” is repeated several times with support for this claim.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Holy lives of inspiration | Why pray?
The fifth chapter of Luke's Gospel (17-26) is one of my favorites. It reminds us of the power of faith, family, friendship, and hope. It shows us that faith in Jesus leads to healing, sometimes a different kind than we seek.
Learn more about our faith | Why pray?
If I were to ask you, “How much faith do you have?” What would you say? I think most of us would say, “It depends on the day, or even what time of day, for anyone who’s not really a morning person, before that first cup or two of coffee—believe me I understand!
Learn more about our faith | Seasonal Reflections
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. “This feast commemorates the dedication of the church of St. Mary, built in Jerusalem near the site of the Temple. Additionally, with Christians of the East, the Latin Church also remembers on this day the tradition according to which Mary as a small child, was presented to the Lord by her parents in the Temple” (The Liturgy of the Hours, Volume IV, p. 1572).
Today’s reading from the book of Revelation begins with a hope-filled message that says, “I, John, had a vision of an open door to Heaven...” I’m sure that’s what all of us want to see when it’s our turn to go home to God, an open door that leads to God and all that’s described in our first reading.