World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Learn more about our faith | Love thy Neighbor
Does Jesus want us to really sell what we have and give to the poor?
Holy lives of inspiration | Love thy Neighbor | Strengthening family unity
As a child my siblings and I loved to have guests come to our home. We were happy because we knew that a rooster would be prepared, and we would have the best food with special dishes and sweets. A guest coming to our home was like God coming. It was the time we were on our best behavior, especially if the guest was a priest or a nun.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Mother Teresa once said: "I do own things, but they do not own me." In the Gospel passage today, Jesus proposes his manifesto for being his authentic disciples. Humanly speaking, the task assigned to the twelve sounds impossible: cure the sick, raise the dead, heal the leper, and expel demons. What makes it more impossible is that they were told to go penniless and wallet-less, depending on God and the people they were serving.
Learn more about our faith | Why pray?
A teenager refused to go home for weeks to punish his parents and two brothers, causing them to worry and become angry. When he finally returned, it took only minutes of conversation for his parents to forgive, hug, and welcome him home. However, his brothers didn’t get over their anger, and it grew as weeks passed. The mother sensed their attitude and asked, "Why can’t you welcome him back?"
Learn more about our faith | Strengthening family unity
Growing up in a rural agrarian family, my eight siblings and I were parents raised nine of us very close to nature. We had Almost everything for all our food was produced at home, except for salt and sugar. Those were the only items my father would buy from the market...
Learn more about our faith | Why pray?
Prayer is the most powerful force in Heaven and on earth. The British poet Tennyson wrote, "More things wrought by prayer than this world dreams of." A little book called "The Way of the Pilgrim" tells how continuous prayer changed the life of a nineteenth-century Russian peasant.